Although it might sound like a silly issue, dental anxiety is a real condition for millions of people. Often it can be traced to a bad experience at the dentist as a child. In other cases, people are nervous about having pain at the dentist or are just anxious about having a dentist and hygienist so close to their personal space.

At FoxView Dental near Hobart, WI, we frequently treat patients who have anxiety about visiting the dentist and offer sedation dentistry to those who need it. Let us work with you so you can get the care you need to keep your mouth healthy. Avoiding the dentist has long-term consequences you will want to avoid.

Small Problems Can Turn into Big Problems

Dentistry is all about preventive care, and that includes preventing small problems from growing larger. A tiny spot of decay on your tooth that can be filled by a little filling today can turn into a tooth needing a root canal tomorrow—if you ignore it. Dental issues won’t go away on their own. By the time something is causing you pain, it’s probably become a problem we cannot treat with an easy solution.

Gum Disease Might Be Present without You Knowing about It

Gum disease is prevalent in this country, and according to the Centers for Disease Control, almost half of Americans have it. As people get older, their risk of developing gum disease increases. Because gum disease often comes along with no signs or symptoms, people have no way of knowing they have it unless they see their dentist regularly.

Left untreated, gum disease can negatively impact your entire body, including the lungs, brain, and heart. Gum disease that is not treated can also lead to tooth loss.

Bad Oral Health Can Lead to Lowered Self-Confidence

If you don’t have your teeth professionally cleaned, tartar will build up, giving your teeth a dark and yellow appearance. You may begin to feel self-conscious about smiling. Going to the dentist regularly will enable you to avoid this issue.

Our De Pere Office Can Help

Don’t let anxiety about the dentist keep you from coming in. Our entire team will be sensitive to your anxiety, and we can talk to you about sedation dentistry to make your experience at FoxView Dental in Hobart, WI a stress-free one! We look forward to seeing you.
