Dental Bridges

Restore Your Smile!

Our De Pere patients love dental bridges because they enhance and restore their smile.

Ready to create your dream smile with dental bridges?

Restore Your Smile Today!

If you’re missing one or more teeth and wish to restore your overall oral health, a dental bridge might be the solution you’re looking for. Not only will dental bridges enhance your appearance and immediately boost your confidence, but they’ll also restore your ability to chew and speak properly. 

With a dental bridge, you’ll be able to confidently show off your new and improved smile in no time! Dr. Yenchesky, our De Pere, WI, dentist, is here to guide you through the process and ensure your comfort every step of the way. Call (920) 336-4201 to schedule a consultation and learn more about dental bridges.

What Are Dental Bridges?

A dental bridge is a prosthetic device used to replace one or more missing teeth. The supporting teeth on either side of the gap, known as ‘abutment teeth’, play a crucial role in the stability of the bridge. It’s typically made up of two or more crowns that are placed on the abutment teeth on either side of the gap, and a false tooth in between. The false teeth, or ‘artificial teeth’, are called pontics, and they’re designed to aesthetically match and function like natural teeth, made from various materials such as porcelain, gold, or alloys.

Depending on the type of bridge you receive, your bridge might consist of one or more pontics and abutments. There are various types of dental bridges, including traditional, cantilever, and Maryland bridges, each with unique characteristics.

Benefits of Dental Bridges

When you choose to receive dental bridges, you can enjoy benefits like:

  • Natural Appearance: Dental bridges will improve the appearance of your smile. By filling in the gap in your teeth, you’ll be able to smile and laugh with confidence, without worrying about what others might think.
  • Speech Improvement: Missing teeth can cause problems with your speech, making it difficult to pronounce certain words or sounds. By filling in the gap with a dental bridge, you can improve your speech and communicate more effectively.
  • Improved bite & chewing ability: When you’re missing teeth, it can be difficult to chew your food properly, which can cause digestive problems. A dental bridge can help improve your ability to chew, making it easier to eat the foods you love.
  • Prevent your remaining teeth from shifting out of place: When you’re missing teeth, the surrounding teeth can start to shift to fill in the gap, which can cause problems with your bite and alignment. Dental bridges help prevent this from happening and keep your remaining teeth in their proper place to avoid any future dental complications.

If you’re ready to improve the appearance of your smile, schedule a consultation with Dr. Yenchesky today by calling (920) 336-4201 to see if a dental bridge is right for you.

smiling man in a dental chair during a check-up

Candidacy for Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are ideal for people missing up to four adjacent teeth. However, an ideal candidate should also have:

  • Sufficient jawbone mass and good oral health
  • Significant teeth gaps
  • Severely damaged or decayed teeth

The Dental Bridge Procedure

The process of getting a dental bridge can typically be completed in two appointments in a relatively painless procedure. The first step is to schedule a consultation at our De Pere dental office with Dr. Yenchesky. During the consultation, he’ll examine your teeth and gums to determine if a dental bridge is the best option for you.

If a dental bridge is the right choice, the next step is to prepare the teeth that will support the bridge. This involves removing a small amount of enamel from your teeth so that the bridge can fit properly, a key step in the procedure. Patients often worry about the procedure being painful, but rest assured, local anesthetic is used to numb the gums, ensuring the process is as comfortable as possible. After the teeth have been prepared, Dr. Yenchesky will take an impression of your teeth that will be used to create the bridge.

While the bridge is being made, a temporary bridge will be placed to protect the prepared teeth and prevent any shifting. Once the permanent bridge is ready, the temporary bridge will be removed and the permanent bridge will be put in its place.

If you’re considering a dental bridge, be sure to schedule a consultation at our De Pere, WI, dental office to discuss your options. With the right care, your dental bridge can last for many years and help you maintain a healthy, beautiful smile.

dentist showing teeth model to patient

Frequently Asked Questions

Meet Our Doctor

Dr. Chad Yenchesky

Dr. Chad is no ordinary dentist.
He’s an extraordinary dentist!

As the owner of Fox View Dental, Dr. Chad Yenchesky—or Dr. Chad, as he is more commonly known—brings the best in digital dentistry to Green Bay and Northeast Wisconsin.

Known for his passionate pursuit of implant, restorative, cosmetic and sedation dentistry, loved for his fun and colorful personality, and respected for his active leadership in the national dental continuing education community, Dr. Chad brings a refreshing blend of knowledge and charisma to the chair. Patients especially appreciate his down-to-earth demeanor, relentless …

Reclaim a Healthy, Functional Smile With Dr. Yenchesky

At our De Pere, WI, dental office, our team offers dental bridges for those looking for a clean and healthy smile. If you’re wondering if you’ll be a good candidate, we’ll be happy to meet with you to discuss your goals and help you achieve them. 

Contact Dr. Yenchesky, a top-rated dentist in De Pere, at (920) 336-4201 and schedule your appointment today!

To schedule a consultation, call Fox View Dental at (920) 336-4201 or request an appointment online. We’re happy to help new and returning patients from the Green Bay, WI, area, including Ashwaubenon, Allouez, and Bellevue.

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Fox View Dental – (920) 336-4201

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