If you are dealing with missing teeth, you have probably considered tooth replacement options. It is essential to deal with missing teeth—and not just because of aesthetics. If you have even one missing tooth, the rest of your teeth can start to shift, causing a host of other problems—including the loss of even more teeth.

Talk to your Green Bay, WI dentist about dental implants to replace your missing teeth. Here are three reasons why dental implants are your best tooth replacement option.

#1—Dental Implants Are Most Like Your Natural Teeth

Because dental implants are placed in the jawbone, they are a solid attachment. Dental implants are made out of titanium, which is a metal that fuses to the bone. After your dental implant is placed into the jawbone, the healing process takes just a few months.

Unlike with dentures, you will have no eating restrictions with dental implants because there is no risk of shifting or moving.

#2—Dental Implants Last for a Long Time

Dental implants are a financial investment, but over the long-term, they are a more cost-effective treatment than other tooth replacement options. If you take good care of your oral health with diligent brushing and flossing, dental implants can last forever!

#3—Dental Implants Prevent Bone Loss

Many people are unaware of this fact, but when you lose a tooth, you will start to lose bone as well. When there is no tooth root present to stimulate the jawbone, it begins to shrink. If enough teeth are missing, this can cause your entire appearance to change because it will give your face a sunken-in look. Dental implants keep the jawbone stimulated, preventing the bone from shrinking.

Dental Implants in De Pere & Green Bay

Talk to your Green Bay, WI dentist FoxView Dental about getting dental implants to replace your missing teeth. Make an appointment today!
