You might have seen the ads pop up on your Facebook newsfeed: Charcoal toothpaste is supposed to whiten your teeth “naturally.” But a recent study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association is warning consumers to be cautious when considering this type of toothpaste. There are safer ways to whiten your teeth, such as professional teeth whitening, just one of the cosmetic dentistry procedures we can perform in our Green Bay dental practice.

If you want a whiter smile that will also protect your teeth, call FoxView Dental and talk to us about professional teeth whitening.

The Problems With Charcoal Toothpaste

There are myriad videos online today, all demonstrating how charcoal toothpaste can whiten and brighten teeth. What many consumers don’t know, however, is that there haven’t been enough studies on using charcoal toothpaste to ascertain whether or not there are adverse long-term effects.

Some experts believe that charcoal might ultimately leave teeth stained and compromise tooth enamel so that it leads to sensitivity and even cavities. When you lose tooth enamel, you can’t get it back.

Professional Teeth Whitening Is Safe and Effective

Rather than take a chance on your oral health with at-home treatments, opt for teeth whitening treatment in the dentist office. Professional teeth whitening will not damage your teeth or cause undue sensitivity. It is also fast; you can have your teeth whitened over your lunch hour—and your teeth can be several shades whiter and brighter in a short amount of time.

Call FoxView Dental for More Information

Don’t risk compromising the health of your teeth. Give us a call to make an appointment to discuss teeth whitening or other cosmetic dentistry procedures if you are in the Green Bay area. We would love to help you improve the look of your smile—and protect your oral health at the same time.
