Summer in De Pere is a wonderful time to kick start a healthy eating overhaul!

We love Summer in De Pere for SO many reasons. Fun outdoor activities, beautiful weather, a little more relaxed environment, a little less running around with kids out of school and maybe enjoying a few vacation days. This is also a wonderful time of year to take advantage of beautiful healthy foods being more readily available and affordable!

Fresh Fruits and Veggies

We all know that fresh fruits and vegetables are the base of any healthy diet. With so many beautiful things in season, it is a wonderful time to expand your food horizons, try new things, and build some healthy eating habits! We are very excited that our De Pere Farmer’s Market will be opening again soon! Click on the link below for more information.

De Pere Farmer’s Market 

Prepare For Success

Spending some time at the beginning of the week can help keep you and your family on track! Here are some great ideas to get you started, keep you going, and looking and feeling great this Summer season:

  • Fruits and Veggies: A given of course, but taking the time at the beginning of the week to wash and pre-pack a variety of combos will prevent a lot of reaching for chips and sweet!
  • Yogurt: Mix your own combos at home with fresh fruit and a little honey. Throw a few in the freezer for a quick on the go treat!
  • Whole grain cracker with healthy toppings: Think cheese sticks, hummus, chicken or egg salad. Make ahead and be ready to go!

The Crock Pot – Your SUMMER Friend??

A wonderful took known mostly for its ability to allow you to spend a little time on a winter’s morning, then come home to a beautiful hot pot of delicious stew is also a fabulous tool to help you eat healthy and save time in the SUMMER! We found a site full of easy recipes that can help you eat delicious food the minute you walk in the door versus feeling the urge to stop and grab burgers and pizza. Why would you do that when you can have something that tastes SO much better and leaves you looking and feeling GREAT?!?

Summer Crock Pot Recipes

Nutrition and Your De Pere Dentist

We hope these tips will help you and your family look and feel their best this Summer in De Pere! If you have great tips and recipes you want to share with our community, please feel free to leave them in the comments below, or on our Facebook page.

Happy playing and eating everyone!
