Packing lunch for your kids to take along to summer camp is crucial if they are going to maintain their energy for activities all day. But are you packing items that promote good dental health at the same time?

Here are some pitfalls and recommendations from your kid’s dentist in Green Bay Dr. Chad Yenchensky.


The bad news about beverages for your child is that the only two that promote good oral health are milk (plain, not chocolate) and water. Even juices that are 100 percent fruit juice contain plenty of sugar and acid, which can wreak havoc on teeth.

Smoothies you purchase already made can also be loaded with sugar, so be sure to check the labels. If you child loves smoothies, try serving those for breakfast so he or she can brush after drinking them.


Yogurt is generally considered to be a healthy food, but if you take a look at some of the products on the market today—especially those that are favored among children—they are loaded with sugar. Read the labels to find out just how much sugar that carton or tube of yogurt has before you pack it into your child’s lunch. It’s best to buy the plain, unflavored yogurt and add your own fruit.


You might think a treat such as dried fruit is healthy, but some dried fruits—such as raisins—are almost all sugar. Plus, their stickiness tends to grab onto teeth, which is not a good thing when kids are away from home at camp and away from their toothbrush.

Granola bars are another seemingly healthy food that can often be loaded with sugar. Check the labels to choose those with the lowest amount of sugar.

Healthy Lunchbox Ideas Kids Love

Here are some suggestions for kid-friendly snacks that promote good oral health:

  • Fresh fruit and veggies
  • Rice cakes
  • Cheese and crackers
  • Nuts
  • Yogurts that are low in sugar (read the label!)

Ask Your Kid’s Dentist in De Pere

If you want more suggestions about packing a tooth-healthy lunch for your kids, ask your Green Bay kid’s dentist at FoxView Dental. Call us today!
