If you have always admired the smiles of some of your favorite Hollywood stars, we are going to let you in on a little secret: Many of those smiles are the result of veneers. But before you write this off as a treatment only available to celebrities, there are a few things you should know.

This popular cosmetic dental procedure is easy, quick, and affordable—so it’s available to almost everyone. If you want to learn more about veneers, your Green Bay, WI dentist can tell you more.

Here are the steps to getting the smile you have always dreamed of.

Step 1—Make an Appointment for a Consultation

The first step is to come in to talk to Dr. Chad about whether the issue with your smile can be resolved with veneers. Veneers are a great option to camouflage teeth that are gapped, stained, crooked, or otherwise imperfect.

Step 2—Decide on How Your Ideal Smile Will Look

Along with Dr. Chad, you can decide on how you would like your teeth to look when the veneers procedure is done. You will determine the color, shape, and size of your new teeth.

Step 3—Enjoy Your Celebrity-Caliber Smile

Because we will need to prepare your teeth to receive the veneers—to give your teeth a completely natural look—they are a permanent cosmetic restoration. With proper care and routine visits to the dentist, you should be able to enjoy the investment in our smile for many years to come. The only complaint we generally hear from our patients is that they wish they had gotten veneers much sooner!

You don’t need to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame to have a picture-perfect smile. Call Dr. Chad Yenchensky of FoxView Dental in Green Bay, WI to find out if veneers are right for you.
