The Benefits of Dental Implants
Your Green Bay Smile Maker Can Help You Today!

Why Choose Dental Implants? Dr. Chad Explains

Losing a tooth can be an upsetting and difficult experience. Thankfully, modern dentistry offers many tooth-loss solutions suitable for all patients. Out of all of your options, dental implants stand out as the gold standard of restorative dentistry, providing a permanent replacement for missing teeth. 

At Fox View Dental in De Pere, WI, our Green Bsay implant dentist, Dr. Chad Yenchesky, helps patients restore their smiles for life after tooth loss using dental implants. These titanium replacement teeth mimic the structure of your natural tooth and provide a sturdy base for a personalized restoration. 

Call (920) 336-4201 today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Yenchesky and learn more about the benefits of dental implants.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of titanium that are surgically placed into your jawbone. The titanium is biocompatible, meaning it fuses well with bone and integrates into your jaw after placement. A crown is then attached to the implant post, creating a natural-looking and comfortable replacement tooth.

The Benefits of Dental Implant Treatment

There are many advantages to choosing dental implants over other tooth replacement options, like dentures or bridges. Here are some of the top benefits you’ll enjoy with dental implants from Fox View Dental:

  • Improve Your Smile: Implants are designed to seamlessly blend with your natural teeth. The crowns match the color, shape, and size of your surrounding teeth. No one will know you have an implant!
  • Restore Chewing Ability: Implants allow you to chew and bite with the same force as natural teeth, restoring full function to your mouth. Other tooth replacement options can make chewing more challenging.
  • Prevent Bone Loss: The titanium implant fuses to your jawbone, preventing bone loss that occurs when a tooth root is missing. This retains the original structure and shape of your jaw.
  • Avoid Damage to Nearby Teeth: Unlike bridges, implants don’t rely on adjacent teeth for support. Your other teeth won’t need reshaping or risk damage.
  • Permanent Solution: Implants are built to last. With proper care, they can function for a lifetime. Removable options like dentures are less stable and may need frequent adjustments.
  • Improve Speech: Missing teeth can cause slurring or lisping of words. Implants allow you to speak clearly and confidently again.
  • Boost Self-Esteem: A missing tooth, especially one of your front teeth, can greatly affect how you feel about your smile. Implants look and function like natural teeth to restore your confidence.

Choosing the Right Implant Dentist in De Pere, WI

While implants have so many advantages, it’s vital to choose an experienced Green Bay implant dentist like Dr. Chad Yenchesky at Fox View Dental. Implant placement is a precise procedure that requires advanced skills and training. 

At Fox View Dental, Dr. Yenchesky and his team provide attentive, individualized care throughout your implant process. They will:

  • Do a thorough assessment of your oral and overall health
  • Use 3D imaging to carefully plan implant placement based on your anatomy
  • Explain every step of the process so you know what to expect
  • Place the implant(s) skillfully for optimal stability and longevity
  • Design and fit natural-looking custom crowns that match your teeth
  • Provide gentle, meticulous care during recovery
  • Offer ongoing maintenance and monitoring of your implants

With Dr. Yenchesky’s experience and dedication to excellence, you can trust you’re in the very best hands for your implant treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

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