With everything going on in our busy lives, sometimes it can be hard to squeeze in time to brush, floss, and get regular dental checkups. Most people who have had root canals, cavities, or gum disease will agree, it’s much easier to keep your mouth in good health. However, good dental hygiene can also improve your overall well being in three important ways.

1. Health

A good daily routine of brushing and flossing goes a long way to preventing cavities and gum disease. Regular dental checkups help diagnose potential problems while they are small and easy to manage. The health of our teeth and gums affects other areas of our body. Conditions like diabetes and heart disease are often connected to oral health. Brushing twice a day, daily flossing, and regular dental checkups can improve your oral and overall health. It’s also recommended you replace your toothbrush every 2-3 months and especially after you’ve been ill.

A well-balanced diet can also have a positive impact on more than your body. Reduce or eliminate sugary foods and drinks which provide the fuel for plaque. Plaque buildup leads to cavities and gum disease.

2. Comfort

Good dental hygiene will help you to stay comfortable. Cavities can cause tooth sensitivity, infection, fever, and swelling. Take time to brush for at least 2 minutes, twice a day to prevent tooth decay. Get a professional dental exam at least once a year to check for small cavities before they turn into uncomfortable problems. Gum care is important too. Without adequate care, gums can become inflamed, leading to swollen, sore, or bleeding gums. Proper brushing and flossing prevent gum inflammation, also known as gingivitis. Prolonged gingivitis can lead to receding gums, exposing the root of the tooth. Exposed tooth roots are often sensitive to cold and heat. Good dental habits can prevent and treat gum problems. Regular professional cleanings along with good home care will prevent painful problems and keep you comfortable.

3. Appearance

We all want to look and feel our best. Good dental hygiene prevents stain and tartar buildup on teeth that can dull your smile. Regular brushing and flossing also removes plaque and bacteria that cause bad breath. Professional cleanings remove tough stains and hard build up, from hard to reach places leaving you with a brilliant smile you’ll want to show everyone.

There are many ways to maintain good oral health including the basics: visit your dentist regularly, proper home care of your teeth and gums, and a well-balanced diet. Life is hectic, but good dental hygiene can improve your health, comfort, and appearance. Protect your smile, and get the best out of life!

Fox View Spotlight Hygienist: Chloe Milakovich!

Chloe did her first 5 years as both dental assistant and dental hygienist. She has been in a total of 4 dental offices in her 18 years- 3 years with her childhood dentist and the last almost 3 years with Fox View Dental!

What would be the best dental suggestion to children? Adults?

To kids until the age 9…love your independence in brushing, but let your parents help often!  To all adults we al know that we need to floss more than we do, there are new tools to help increase compliance. Floss away! It does make a difference!”

What did you want to be when you were a kid? How did you choose dentistry?

“In middle school when I got my braces, the Dental Assistant from Orthodontist office gave me a business card. That had an impact- I thought the assistant had the greatest job!”

What was your proudest moment?

“A dental goal was making at least 1 person think that the dentist wasn’t “bad”- Almost 10 years ago, A young man had a great fear of the dentist. I was able to influence healthy mouth habits, prepare for surgery and create a scheduled routine, compliant to dental health. He was thankful!”


If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world that you never been, Where would you go and why?

“Ireland- I have been blessed to have the opportunity to travel. I would like to see the castles and rolling hills. Maybe have a beer or two!”

What was your favorite Tv show when you were growing up?

“Sunday Disney Movie that aired on the regular channel- we sat down as a family and watched it.”

What is your PERFECT Sunday?

“A lazy Sunday…book, coffee and cozy clothes.”

What was the last movie you went to?

“Lego-Batman movie- It was a date night with my son.”
