If you have had your teeth professionally whitened, you are probably excited about the dramatic change in your smile. Patients who have undergone cosmetic dentistry treatment at our DePere, WI dental practice such as teeth whitening always want to know how they can best protect their investment.

Here are three things you should avoid doing after you have had your teeth whitened.

Don’t Drink Red Wine

Don’t worry; we don’t mean you should never imbibe again if Cabernet or Shiraz happens to be your favorite beverage to have while relaxing. But because teeth tend to become somewhat dehydrated after the whitening process, they are particularly vulnerable to staining in the days following treatment. Red wine is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to staining your teeth—particularly right after you’ve received treatment.

Hold off a bit before enjoying a glass or two. And when you do, be sure to rinse your mouth out with water right after to help keep staining to a minimum.

Don’t Eat Curries

If you’ve ever had a curry sauce stain on your pristine white tablecloth, you know that it is practically impossible to remove. Imagine that curry sauce on your teeth right after whitening. The caution about red wine goes for curry. Avoid it right after treatment—and rinse your mouth with water once you do enjoy your favorite colorful ethnic dish.

Don’t Use Tobacco Products

Of course, we recommend eschewing these products altogether after teeth whitening. Not only do they stain the teeth, but they are not good for your overall health. Let your professional teeth whitening treatment be the impetus you need to kick the tobacco habit once and for all.

Professional Teeth Whitening in Green Bay

For professional teeth whitening or other cosmetic dentistry procedures at our DePere, WI dental office, we invite you to give us a call and make an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Chad. We look forward to helping you get the white, youthful-looking smile you deserve!
