A chipped or broken tooth is the kind of accident that can happen to anyone, and the damage is often very upsetting. But, if it happens to you then don’t worry, because Dr. Chad has the skills to ensure your tooth will soon look amazing. Dr. Chad is known as Green Bay’s Smile Maker for an excellent reason and will ensure your smile is as good as new, or even more beautiful than before. Dr. Chad dedicates an enormous amount of time to professional development and advanced training each year and is renowned for his cosmetic and restorative dentistry skills. What’s more, he is a faculty member of the prominent Clinical Mastery Series, so your smile couldn’t be in better hands!

Why Mend a Damaged Tooth?  It’s Not Only About Appearances

Aside from its appearance, a substantially chipped tooth can be quite sensitive or painful, and this is when good emergency dental care can help you. We hate the thought of anyone being in pain or discomfort and will make every effort to schedule an appointment for you as soon as possible, often on the same day. Other times, the chip might seem insignificant, but without treatment, it can still put your dental health at risk.

Whatever the damage to your tooth, it is essential to get professional help quickly. Even a tiny chip in your tooth can let in disease-causing bacteria so that without the right treatment, a small crack could eventually develop into a nasty infection. The worst-case scenario is that you might require root canal therapy or could even lose your tooth, which is tragic when often the solution for mending a chipped or broken tooth is quick and non-invasive.

Here’s How We Can Help You

Initially, Dr. Chad will gently examine your tooth to determine the extent of the damage, before suggesting the most appropriate treatments. He will explain every potential solution, and we only use the highest quality and most advanced materials because we want you to enjoy the results for longer.

Our Solutions to Have You Smiling In No Time

Small chips and cracks can frequently be mended by bonding the tooth with colored composite resin, so the damage is invisible while completely protecting and restoring your tooth. Tooth colored composite resin is strong and durable, and it looks beautiful. Another potential solution is to have a veneer made from hardwearing porcelain. Our veneers are handcrafted by skilled ceramists who collaborate closely with Dr. Chad, ensuring you receive the very highest standards of restorative dentistry. When a tooth is severely chipped or cracked, a dental crown might be a better long-term solution. A dental crown completely covers a damaged tooth, restoring its appearance, strength, and structure.

Whatever the damage to your teeth, Dr. Chad and our friendly dental team can provide the very best solutions. Once your tooth is repaired, you can look forward to smiling, eating and talking comfortably, confident in the knowledge that your tooth looks fabulous. Call us today to schedule an appointment!
