Beauty standards can differ all over the world, but the one constant is a gorgeous smile. Everyone can admire straight, evenly spaced, white teeth in any culture. If your smile is less than perfect, you can improve it through Smile Design. Our patients in Green Bay, WI have walked away with the smile of their dreams.

What Is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry involves more than just oral hygiene and maintenance; it focuses on the aesthetics of your smile and how your teeth are shaped. FoxView Dental offers an amazing beauty makeover called Smile Design. Through this service, you can create a customized, comprehensive treatment plan that upgrades your pearly whites. You can control the transformation of your teeth through a variety of different procedures.

Your new smile journey starts when you schedule your initial assessment with our local Green Bay dentist, Dr. Chad. Together you can go through every detail of your smile makeover—from whiter teeth to filled-in gaps. Dr. Chad will take into account the shape of your face, your eye color, and your personality to create the right smile.

Learn More about Smile Design

Smile Design is a process of taking account of shapes, contours, and tooth color as they appear in a patient’s individual smile. Through a combination of these factors, Dr. Chad creates a unique balance that is proportional to your face. Since these elements are different with every person, your smile is customized only to you. Many patients have achieved successful results that last a lifetime.

At FoxView Dental, Dr. Chad combines aesthetics with function that yields predictable results. Through our unique dental blueprint, our patients can visualize what the final results will look like before the treatment starts.

Cosmetic Dental Cosmetics in Green Bay

If you are in Green Bay, WI and want to treat yourself to a lifetime of beautiful teeth, call us today to schedule your next dental appointment!
