Unhappy with your smile or worried about the damages a missing tooth will cause? Fox View Dental offers restoration of the incredible alternative of dental implants to Green Bay area residents, and soon Dr. Chad will be placing them as well! Just decades ago the very idea of dental implants would have seemed a fantastic dream, while the sobering alternatives of “dentures” or “bridges” remained your only dental options.

As of December 2011, utilizing modern technology and specialized training, Dr. Yenchesky will able to provide superior dental implants that not only retain strength and durability but are artistically designed to match your natural teeth! An active participant in the renowned AAID Maxi-Course (requiring over 300 hours of lecture, applied clinical anatomy, live surgical demonstrations and assignments, all taking place over the better part of a year), Dr. Chad Yenchesky will do what many dentists have yet to do in enhancing the scope of patient care available in their practice by offering not only the restoration of a crown, but the implant itself.

Need a refresher on just what a dental implant can do for you? A small, strong titanium post is professionally placed into the jaw bone, acting as a root would on a natural tooth. Once bone has secured itself around this post, a crown, bridge, or over-denture can be placed atop this new “root”. No shifting will occur, and there is no need to remove the implant for cleaning as you would dentures. Simply follow your regular oral hygiene regimen.

Dental Implants in Green Bay

Dr. Yenchesky proudly performed one of his first complete implant procedures on his own father, delighting him with two skillfully placed implants that were the closest thing to getting back the function of his natural teeth as is possible. Consult with us to learn more about the joy dental implants are bringing Green Bay residents today!
