Studies show that your smile is one of the first features people notice about you. Not only does it help you express yourself and communicate with other people, but it also makes other people smile too because smiles are contagious!

But what if you don’t feel good about how your smile looks? Do you tend to shy away from smiling when you meet new people? Or do you hide your smile in photos?

You might have dreamed about making some enhancements to your smile, but thought they were too time consuming or expensive. If this is the case for you, your Green Bay cosmetic dentist has excellent news for you. Cosmetic dentistry can be quick and affordable! Here are a few treatments that won’t deplete your wallet.

Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening in De Pere can be customized just for you, and you can complete it whenever it’s convenient for your schedule. Bleaching your teeth is one of the most affordable ways to make significant changes to your smile.

Your team at Fox View Dental will create whitening trays designed just for your teeth that you can use at home now and in the future, whenever you want to update your smile.

Tooth-Colored Crowns and Fillings

If you need a decayed or broken tooth repaired, you can rely on your De Pere dentist to restore your smile with a natural-looking, tooth-colored restoration like a dental crown or filling. Ceramic porcelain is the material of choice for crowns that you can see, and this durable and aesthetic material blends seamlessly with your smile.

Composite resin is a pliable material that your dentist will use to restore your tooth after a cavity. Composite can also be customized to match your tooth, and we can also use it to eliminate imperfections like chipped teeth, tooth discoloration, or even size discrepancies.

If you’d like to learn more about what’s possible for your smile, we encourage you to schedule an evaluation with Green Bay cosmetic dentist, Dr. Chad Yenchesky.
