Most people in their late teens and early twenties get wisdom teeth. These are a third set of molars at the very back of the mouth. Since our diets have evolved quite a bit from the time of the caveman, we no longer need those teeth to chew. Consequently, wisdom teeth tend to be more of a nuisance than anything else.

If you are a young adult who has noticed a new set of teeth in the back of your mouth, or if you are feeling pain because the molars are there but not erupting properly, it’s a good idea to see your general dentist in De Pere to find out what’s going on. In most cases, the best option for wisdom teeth is to simply remove them.

Here are some of the problems caused by wisdom teeth.

They Can Become Impacted

Sometimes wisdom teeth are present but they lurk just below the surface of the gum without fully erupting. Often this is because there is just not enough room in the jaw for these large teeth. This is a fairly common occurrence, and the vast majority of people have at least one wisdom tooth that ends up impacted.

They Can Crowd Your Other Teeth

In those cases where wisdom teeth do erupt, unless you are “lucky” enough to have a large mouth, your other teeth might be pushed to make room for the large molars. If you have had orthodontic work, this can mean you went through a lot of work only to have your teeth shift.

They Can Develop Cysts

Sometimes a cyst or tumor can develop around the bottom of a wisdom tooth, which can ultimately damage your jawbone, nerves, and adjacent teeth.

They Are Difficult to Clean

Because wisdom teeth are so far back in the mouth, even if they erupt properly and don’t move your other teeth, they are tough to keep clean. This means they are more prone to decay and other issues.

Prevent problems from developing with wisdom teeth by seeing your De Pere dentist Dr. Chad Yenchensky. He can monitor these molars and help you make the best decision for determining if and when they should be extracted. Call today to make an appointment.
