Why I wear PINK and supporting the American Cancer Society with a focus on Breast Cancer Awareness and How I will influence the Real Men Wear Pink campaign for 2019?

During my time away in college, my mother discovered she had breast cancer. This came as a shock to our entire family. My mom like so many was hard working, healthy and without a doubt the matriarch of our family. My personal experience is one of many reasons why I choose to wear pink. Cancer is not a gender unique disease. Cancer doesn’t choose to hit based on any particular demographics. Cancer changes lives of those who are battling it and those who are supporting the battle. Beating cancer is going to take us all and I am most excited to be a part of the Real Men Wear Pink campaign 2019.

For the month of October, I will be sporting my pink attire in and out of the office. If you have an appointment at Fox View Dental, you will see my entire team supporting the cause as well. We’ll be doing a special giveaway for patients that come in during the month supporting breast cancer awareness. Being an educator in my profession, I will use our social media platforms in sharing resources to educate and heighten awareness for the American Cancer Society.

While out in the community, You’ll hear me share statistics in hopes to influence my audience to support me in making an immediate donation- I always have my phone on me! My entire team is excited to rally for the September 26th Free Lunch at Texas Roadhouse and October 19th Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk at Heritage Hill.

Give us a call today to learn more about how you can get involved!

You can also use this link to donate!
