Do cosmetic smile flaws make you feel self-conscious? If you hide your smile in photos or when you’re around others and are ready to make a change, cosmetic dentistry has the solution you need.

There are so many options available today that your biggest challenge with cosmetic dentistry might be finding which of the many treatments will best help you achieve your smile goals.

Correcting Smile Flaws with Cosmetic Dentistry

Whether you need to fill a chipped tooth, want a full smile makeover, or your needs fall somewhere in the middle, cosmetic dentistry in De Pere can help with:

  • Chipped teeth
  • Broken teeth
  • Yellow teeth
  • Stained teeth
  • Gapped teeth
  • Poorly shaped teeth
  • Slightly crooked teeth
  • Teeth too long or too short

The first step is to meet with your De Pere cosmetic dentist to explain what changes you would like to see and get recommendations for the aesthetic dental treatments that help achieve your goals.

Tooth-Colored Fillings and Dental Bonding

Tooth-colored filling material more realistic now than ever before. It’s so lifelike that repairs blend seamlessly into your smile, making them an excellent choice to fill in chipped or broken teeth.

Porcelain Veneers

Do you have teeth that are weirdly spaced, slightly crooked, discolored, or in some way detract from the harmony of your smile? Porcelain dental veneers placed on your teeth conceal all these flaws and many others.

Porcelain Dental Crowns

Dentists don’t typically recommend dental crowns for purely aesthetic reasons because the procedure requires altering the shape and size of the tooth. But there are cases where a tooth is poorly shaped or so severely discolored that concealing it with a crown makes sense.

Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening is fast, affordable, and delivers dramatic results in a short amount of time. If you’re on a timeline for an upcoming event like a wedding, reunion, or an interview for that dream job, teeth whitening can give you a beautiful, picture-perfect smile.

Call Your De Pere Cosmetic Dentist to Learn More

The first step is to meet with Dr. Chad Yenchesky at our De Pere dental office so you can tell us how we can help you love your smile again. Call us today at (920) 336-4201 to schedule an appointment to get started.
