When you have problems with your teeth, it can be all-consuming. From having trouble chewing to being embarrassed to smile, problematic teeth can negatively impact all aspects of your life.…
If you have always admired the smiles of some of your favorite Hollywood stars, we are going to let you in on a little secret: Many of those smiles are…
If you have a tooth that is dying, you will more than likely have some warning signs. The sooner you get treatment for it from your dentist in De Pere,…
If your sleep partner’s snoring is keeping you awake at night, there is a possibility he or she suffers from sleep apnea. This is a chronic condition in which the airway…
If you are dealing with missing teeth, you have probably considered tooth replacement options. It is essential to deal with missing teeth—and not just because of aesthetics. If you have…
Type “top dentist 54115” into your Google search box, and there will be no shortage of dental practices that pop up. But you don’t want to base your decision on…
Think back to the last time you replaced your toothbrush. If you are like all too many people, you probably don’t remember. Ask any top dentist in the 54115 area,…
With everything going on in our busy lives, sometimes it can be hard to squeeze in time to brush, floss, and get regular dental checkups. Most people who have had root…
Although it might sound like a silly issue, dental anxiety is a real condition for millions of people. Often it can be traced to a bad experience at the dentist…
If you have a number of issues with your smile, a smile makeover might be just what you need to not only regain your self-confidence but perhaps to get back…